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Here are 6 reasons why it's perfectly okay to go to the cinema by yourself

“One ticket for Minions, please.”

cinema Source: Flickr

IT’S A DIVISIVE issue — is going to the cinema alone a little bit sad or perfectly acceptable?

Some people are totally at ease with it, while others wouldn’t be caught dead going to see Jurassic World by themselves.

We’re here to tell you why going to the cinema alone is absolutely fine and perhaps even preferable to going with someone else.

1. Don’t worry — it’s not that pathetic

The first time you go to the cinema alone, you might worry that it’s a bit pathetic or feel self-conscious.


At any given film screening, there is probably a handful of people who are there by themselves. And nobody is looking at them thinking, “Oh my God, how sad, they clearly have no friends.”

In fact, nobody is paying attention to them, full stop. That’s how much of a big deal it isn’t.

2. In fact, it’s kind of nice just to have a bit of alone time

Between work and home, you’re probably with people all day long. The cinema is a refuge from all the noise out there — a place to just sit and watch a film with nothing or nobody to distract you.

And who wouldn’t want to avail of a bit of ‘me time’?

3. You don’t have to share your bag of Minstrels with anyone

SGN2095 Source: British Corner Shop

In fact, you can horse into as much food as you like with nobody to judge.

Treat yo’self.

4. You don’t have to make compromises with anyone

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We’ve all been there — your mate is angling to see Ted 2, but you kind of want to see Magic Mike XXL for the fourth time.

When you go to the cinema alone, you don’t have to take anyone else’s feelings into consideration. Instead, you just do you.

*sees Magic Mike XXL again*

5. And there’s no fear of anyone asking you questions in the middle of the film

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No frantic whispers of, “What? Who’s he now?” in your ear.

6. Did we mention it’s a terrific place to go if you’re hungover and unable to face humanity?

It’s the perfect place to hide from everyone you know while stuffing your face with brown Hula Hoops.

109-ok-hand-sign Source: emojipedia

In short, go to the cinema alone, our pretties. Run free.

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Would you go to the cinema alone?

Poll Results:

Yes, I don't see anything wrong with it. (3160)
No, I prefer to go with someone else. (839)

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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